Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Don't worry

Amy isn't scene, silly Chloe :) She's just a weird emo girl who doesn't like the label because she thinks it'll make more people hate her when really it doesn't make anything worse than it already is for her.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Get it through your fucking heads

I have decided. Hayley you hopelessly slow moron, what the fuck does your comment even mean? Like, honestly. And really, it's cute that you all still think anything's happening. I'm kind of over this. I'm not even paying attention anymore. I'm done with blogs. You wanna fucking tell me something, come say it to my face. I don't even give a fuck how sunburnt I am and how much pain I'm in, I stand by my decision. Touch her and we'll end you.

And I forget who but whoever keeps saying I'm an attention seeker for fuck sake I'm the one who brought that up in the first place. YESSS I am, cause I'm doing this cause people talk about it. If no one cared I wouldn't really be fucked. And tbh no one cares anymore so I'm done writing about it. It's the most pathetic thing you could possibly do.

Amy: You are in my class. You have every oppertunity to bring this up with me pretty much every day. Why don't you? Cause you're pussy, plain and simply.

Tyler: I don't even know you and I hate you. What the fuck's going on with your hair, huhhh? I don't really know what you're coming from and I don't really know who you are, but you're irritating, shush.

Hayley: I simply don't like you. The time when you were at my group in the morning, every single one of us was plotting a way to make you fuck off if you were still there at recess, we hate your guts that badly.

So, um, I think I prove my point k.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm sick of

You starting your fucking blogs with the letters 'rofl'. It's really irritating. If you want people to take you seriously you should learn to use grown up words, kay? And to the other spastic, if you don't get over that poser as fuck band I swear it's gonna fuck you up. Honestly, people should listen to me more often, I'm always right about this kinda shit. Once again, as I think I commented fuckwit one, I really, really like my chances.


I am not

Racist. I'm simply anti you. And yeah, of course, I must be the fuckwit. Of cooooourrseeee I am. It's not like you could, um, I don't know, think of your own shit or anything. I really do hate fighting. But if you don't get over yourselves and grow up it's just gonna keep going.

But really, I'm not racist. I am friends with some asians you know. I just really hate you two. K, I really don't give that much of a fuck. Tbh, I already told you I'm doing this for the attention. I don't care about your little problems.


Monday, November 16, 2009

I think I should set it all straight

Firstly, of COURSE I'm doing it for attention. I'm not doing this cause I actually hate anyone. Except Hayley, she's a fuckwit. I've said this before, and I'll say it one more fucking time. I am only going to get involved if you touch Chloe, get it? Hurt her and I'll smash you. That's my fucking point. Oh, and um, everyone who's like, important, is saying they'll back me. Not you fuckwits.

You should learn to fucking listen, your asian for fuck sake aren't you meant to be smart? Goshh. And tbh I probably won't even be there this week so Hayley, Alena, calm yourselves for a bit, you can be angry and whatever next week. I'm over you two. This doesn't involve you.

Bahahah it doesn't involve me either, but as you said, I'm an attention seeker. I reaaaally don't even care. Let's just get this straight k. You won't touch Chloe, I won't need to smash you, and nothing is gonna start. Yet.


Monday, November 9, 2009


You dumb bitches, honestly. I don't know what you fucking expect. I told you today, I'll tell you again, just because I like the sound of my own fucking voice, I am on Chloe's side. K? I don't give a fuck about your little threats cause at the end of the day, remind me again, who's backing you? Mkay, who do you think you're dealing with? I swear you're just not getting it. Empty threats, kay.

You're hypocritical fuckwits, because tbh spastics, I can see what you're doing. You're just saying shit to her, trying to scare her, and when it comes to actual one on one and you're scared shitless. Okay as soon as the power shifts and it's equal, you're fucking gone. You hide behind your computers and little messenger friends. Grow up, okay, you're not in preschool anymore.

And tbh, if you want I'll come up tomorrow and end this, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

ffffuuuuckkkk youuuuuu

I'm telling you right now, and you will read this, don't start anything against her. Because I've promised them that I'll be the one to finish it. I don't care how many people I have to get involved, I will, if it means you'll fuck off and leave them alone. You're such bitches, it's not like Chloe did anything to you. Oh oh, btw, I use names. So gtfo kthnx.


Saturday, November 7, 2009


You probably have no idea this is about you and you probably won't even read this but IDGAFFFF cause they will, and I want you to know I'm here for you k? And I want them to know that to, cause, tbh, fuck theemmm, they're nobodyss.
